An island girl (Christian Sylva) is tortured by a secret which crushes her in the end.
Fragkogiannou (Maria Alkaiou), a hard-done by, deranged woman after a life full of hardship, recalls the past by her newborn girl grandchild’s crib. Her mother was a wicked woman and one of her sons...
Captain Giakoumis makes the big decision to forsake the sea and live peacefully close to his wife and his adopted son, Andreas, who is about to sit for examinations in order to become a lieutenant. Ho...
The house with the red lights is located in Troumpa, Piraeus and is called Phryne’s Bar. Five women live and work there: Eleni, a girl who grew up on the banks of the Danube and studied sculpture in...
It is an articulated film comprised of three free-standing stories with a common theme: the attitude of the Greeks under the yoke of a foreign power. The Clock, the first story, is a comedy set on the...
Il cinema americano degli Anni Dieci era popolato di eroine avventurose, pronte a fuggire a nuoto da esplosioni improvvise, gettarsi da aerei o treni in corsa, districarsi tra risse, spie e malviventi...
Lampros Komninos (Lampros Konstantaras) is a merry maker and he meets Rena (Maro Kontou), a widow who owns a music club which is also a secret gambling club. He starts going to that club and in the be...
Spy movie spoof starring TV comic Kaya Yanar: Indian cleaning worker Ranjd desperately needs money in order to finance the surgery of his beloved cow Benytha. At the same time, Dutch villain Freek va...
The poster depicts a young man wearing a navy cap, with his right hand on his waist, holding a cigarette. Before him lies a young girl, in a pleading stance. The sea is visible on the horizon. At the ...